Bill of rights:

Amendment I: The government is not allowed to make any law prohibiting the people from practicing there own religion. Also everyone has the freedom of speech and no one can make a law to prevent that.

Amendment II: A well regulated militia, for the protection of the people and everyone has the right to have a weapon under any conditions.

Amendment III: No soldier can intrude anyones house without the consent of the owner, even in time of war.

Amendment IV: Everyone should be safe and not in danger. Land should not be taken for any reason. A warrant should be given if anyone has to search the property or seize any thing.

Amendment V: Unless there is proof no one should be blamed for a crime.

Amendment VI: If someone is to be persecuted they have the right for a witness. The witness could be in his favor or against. The judge should be from the location the crime was committed.

Amendment VII: In any case the jury that is going to judge should have the right to research and investigate.

Amendment VIII: Punishments for committed crimes should not be unreasonable and painful.

Amendment IX: Rights retained by people should not counteract those of the Bill of Rights.

Amendment X: There jobs and powers taken by the united states government others are respectfully given to the people.

To me the most important amendments in order are I, II, III,V, VIII. I chose number one ans the most important because anyone has the right and must have the right to practice what he or she believes. Next was number two because any civilization run by a government must have the right of protection by the government and the government must give the people the right to protect them selves. I then chose number three because of privacy, every family should have the right to privacy. I then chose number five because no one should be blamed for anything unless it is proven that there guilty, for any one could be blamed even the innocent and proof separates the innocent from the guilty. My last choice was number eight because no one should be punished unreasonably.

The colonists:

Colonists began thinking about revolting until they thought it was time. Before they revolt they all united and became one. One thing that helped them revolt was when the British gave them land and allowed them to expand it. Most of Britain's wealth was coming from the colonists for they were the ones to export to england and import from england goods. First thing they did was the tea party, which was a movement in were the colonists stopped importing tea from england. The picture above is a picture of the tea party. The colonists wealth was a great income to Britain economy and when they started revolting by stopping exports the British economy was badly hurt. When the stamp act took place in New York, 1765, some strong colonies stood up and revolted this was one of the biggest revolts in the revolution act, because it helped the colonists take control of the British government in the new world.

With out the friendship and collaboration the colonists would not have been able to revolt. If they had not united against the British they would have lost the war.

Why study history:

History is an important thing that every persone should learn. Meaning that it does not end, because is made everyday by us. History is very important because it teaches us of our past and what our previous civilization did and the mistakes they committed so we can learn from them. Not all history is necessary mistakes it could be great thing that happened and that we should take as an example. History is the study of the past to make the future better and greater.
My goals:

  1. This year my goal is succeed
  2. Also to become a better athlete
  3. To improve my soccer skills
  4. To improve my reading and writing skills
  5. To become one of the best in math class
  6. To also improve my behavior
  7. I also want to become a better guitar player
  8. Use bloggs for better understanding things
  9. I also which to improve my organisation skills


My definition: mercantilism is an economic theory stating that how rich a nation is dependent on its capital supply, and that its global volume does not change. The economic assets are represented by gold, silver, and trade value the state owns. This is increased when there is a balanced trade, export - import. Mercantilism states that the government should enforce these rules and tolerate more export then import. It was prevailed in Europe after the feudal age. It was one of the most popular economic theories in the 17th century.



Moroccans migrate out of morocco for many reasons, but most importantly they dont migrate out of morocco because they hate there own country. Moroccons actually migrate out of morocco for a better life in more advanced countries with better opportunities. For example a large number of moroccans have been migrating to Europe this last two decades. Most of them migrate to France, because they learnt how to speak french in moroccans schools and communication ther will be easier.

Moroccans are migrating out of morocco because they are forced out by the economic limitations and educatif limitations in morocco. Also the jobs that are well paid are not avaible and few get them.



In morocco the economy is fine but not enough, for almost 60 percent of moroccans are poor or not well paid. This causes the youth to migrate to other countries so they can get better lives then there parents. Also in morocco the economy is stable wich is good but also has bad side affects. Like most jobs in morocco have a really low salery, because the economy limits them. Compenies are not able to pay ther imployies enough, because if they do then there income would be very low and that would lead the company to being bankrupt.


In morocco there are not many good schools, this could affect the youth into getting into good universities and getting a bright future. So parents migrate to europe so there sons and daughters can get a good education internationally. Also not many scholer ships are given in morocco. Almost none are given.

Thes are the two main resons why moroccans migrate out of morocco.